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Libros & más > Pósters > La Tierra y la Luna > National Geographic > National Geographic Póster Luna
Nº de producto: 4201

Póster Luna

$ 33,90 IVA incluido, más gastos de envío
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Descripción del producto

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The Moon Atlas Poster from National Geographic

National Geographic's "The Earth's Moon" is like having an atlas and almanac in one.

This incredible map/poster shows a detailed image of both sides of the Moon, with an index of hundreds of lunar features. In addition to showing landing spots for lunar missions, the map includes graphics and descriptions of the moon's phases, its revolution in relation to the Earth and Sun, eclipses, and how the moon affects tides on Earth.

There is no better resource that combines imagery and information for the moon.


En general

Anchura (cm)
Altura (cm)
National Geographic Póster Luna
National Geographic Póster Luna
National Geographic Póster Luna

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